HCL Based Rainbow Palette


rainbow_hcl computes a rainbow of colors via qualitative_hcl defined by different hues given a single value of each chroma and luminance. It corresponds to rainbow which computes a rainbow in HSV space.

See also: qualitative_hcl, sequential_hcl, diverging_hcl, divergingx_hcl, heat_hcl, terrain_hcl, diverging_hsv, and rainbow.


rainbow_hcl(c=50, l=70, start=0,
end=<function rainbow_hcl.<lambda>>,
fixup=True, rev=False, *args, **kwargs)


cfloat, int
Chroma (colorfullness) of the color map [0-100+].
lfloat, int
Luminance (lightness) of the color map [0-100].
startfloat, int, lambda
Hue at which the rainbow should start or lambda function with one argument. Defaults to 0.
endfloat, int, lambda
Hue (int) at which the rainbow should end or lambda function with one argument. By default a lambda function evaluated when drawing colors (360 * (n - 1) / n).
Only used when converting the HCL colors to hex. Should RGB values outside the defined RGB color space be corrected?
Should the color map be reversed? Default False.
Currently unused.
Additional named arguments to overwrite the palette settings. Allowed: h1, h2, c1, l1, l2, p1.


Initialize new object, no return. Raises a set of errors if the parameters are misspecified. Note that the object is callable, the default object call can be used to return hex colors (identical to the .colors() method), see examples.


rainbow_hcl.cmap(n=256, name='custom_hcl_cmap')
Create Matplotlib Compatible Color Map
rainbow_hcl.colors(n=11, fixup=None, alpha=None, **kwargs)
Get Colors
Get Specific Palette Setting
rainbow_hcl.hclplot(n=7, **kwargs)
Palette Plot in HCL Space
Get Palette Name
Show Palette Settings
rainbow_hcl.specplot(n=180, *args, **kwargs)
Color Spectrum Plot
rainbow_hcl.swatchplot(n=7, **kwargs)
Palette Swatch Plot


from colorspace import rainbow_hcl
pal = rainbow_hcl()
pal.swatchplot(show_names = False, figsize = (5.5, 0.5));

# The standard call of the object also returns hex colors. Thus,
# you can make your code slimmer by calling
# Testing lambda function for both, start and end
pal = rainbow_hcl(start = lambda n: (n - 1) / n,
                  end   = lambda n: 360 - (n - 1) / n)
pal.swatchplot(n = 5, show_names = False, figsize = (5.5, 0.5))

pal.swatchplot(n = 10, show_names = False, figsize = (5.5, 0.5))