Palette Swatch Plot


Visualization of color palettes in columns of color swatches. The first argument pals is very flexible and can be:

  • List of hex colors,
  • a single object which inherits from colorspace.palettes.palette, colorspace.palettes.hclpalette, colorspace.colorlib.colorobject,
  • a list of objects listed above (all of the same type or mixed),
  • a dictionary with lists of objects as above. If a dictionary is used the keys of the dictionary are used as ‘subtitles’ to group sets of palettes,
  • an object of class colorspace.palettes.hclpalettes,
  • or an object of class matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap or matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap.

Requires the matplotlib to be installed.


swatchplot(pals, show_names=True, nrow=20, n=5,
cvd=None, **kwargs)


The color palettes or color objects to be visualized. See description for details and examples to demonstrate different usages.
Should palette names be shown (if available), defaults to True.
Maximum number of rows of swatches, defaults to 20.
Number of colors to be drawn from palette objects, defaults to 5.
cvdNone or list
Allows to display one or multiple palettes and how they look with emulated color vision deficiencies. If None, this is not applied. Can be set to a list of characters. Allowed: "protan", "tritan", "deutan", "desaturate" corresponding to the functions protan, tritan, deutan, desaturate.
forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.subplot, can be used to control e.g., figsize.


from colorspace import swatchplot, palette
from colorspace import sequential_hcl, diverging_hcl, heat_hcl
# List of hex colors
swatchplot(['#7FBFF5', '#2A4962', '#111111', '#633C39', '#F8A29E'],
           figsize = (7, 0.5));

# Create a custom 'palette' (named):
pal = palette(['#7FBFF5', '#2A4962', '#111111', '#633C39', '#F8A29E'],
              "Custom Named Palette")
swatchplot(pal, figsize = (7, 0.5));

# A HCL palette. 'n' defines the number of colors.
swatchplot(sequential_hcl("PuBu"), n = 10,
           figsize = (7, 0.5));

# Combine all three
swatchplot([['#7FBFF5', '#2A4962', '#111111', '#633C39', '#F8A29E'],
            pal, sequential_hcl("PuBu")], n = 7,
            figsize = (7, 1.5));

# A color object (e.g., RGB, HCL, CIELUV, ...)
from colorspace.colorlib import hexcols
cobject  = hexcols(heat_hcl()(5))"HCL")
polarLUV color object (5 colors)
            H       C       L
  1:   359.96  100.56   50.04
        22.73   95.68   60.00
        44.77   91.06   69.91
        67.39   82.91   79.91
        90.40   29.80   90.06
swatchplot(cobject, figsize = (7, 0.5));

# Using dictionaries to add subtitles
# to 'group' different palettes.
swatchplot({"Diverging": [diverging_hcl(), diverging_hcl("Red-Green")],
            "Sequential": [sequential_hcl("ag_Sunset"), sequential_hcl("OrRd")],
            "Others": [['#7FBFF5', '#2A4962', '#111111', '#633C39', '#F8A29E'],
                       pal, sequential_hcl("PuBu")]}, n = 15);


  • ImportError: If matplotlib is not installed.
  • TypeError: If nrow or n no int.
  • TypeError: If show_names not bool.
  • ValueError: If nrow or n are not positive.
  • ImportError: If matplotlib.pyplot cannot be imported, maybe matplotlib not installed?