Create Demo Plots


This function is intended to be used by the GUI (choose_palette) to visualize the color palette selected for a series of different types of plots. It can, however, also be used directly if needed.


demoplot(colors, type_, n=7, ax=None, **kwargs)


The colors, any type which can be handled by palette.
Name of the demo function to be called. Not case sensitive.
Number of colors for the plot. Only used if argument colors is a palette where a dedicated number of colors must be drawn first. Defaults to 7.
titleNone, str
used to draw the figure title, if specified (str). Forwarded to different plot types.
axNone, matplotlib.axes.Axes
If None a new matplotlib figure will be created. If ax inherits from matplotlib.axes.Axes this object will be used to create the demoplot. Handy to create multiple subplots. Forwarded to different plot types.
Forwarded to the corresponding demo plot functions.


# Importing modules
from colorspace import *
from colorspace.colorlib import *
# Custom list of hex colors (n = 5)
hexlist    = ["#BCBE57", "#DEDFC0", "#F1F1F1", "#F7D3E7", "#FB99D7"]
['#BCBE57', '#DEDFC0', '#F1F1F1', '#F7D3E7', '#FB99D7']
# A (HCL based) colorobject with (n = 3)
colorobj = HCL([0, 90, 180], [60, 60, 60], [60, 60, 60])
polarLUV color object (3 colors)
            H       C       L
  1:     0.00   60.00   60.00
        90.00   60.00   60.00
       180.00   60.00   60.00
# Default diverging HCL palette
hclpalette = diverging_hcl()
<colorspace.palettes.diverging_hcl at 0x7f1258b34650>
# Default color palette shipped with the package
berlin = hcl_palettes(name = "Berlin").get_palettes()[0]
Palette Name: Berlin
        Type: Advanced: Diverging
        Inspired by: Crameri's sico palettes
         c1            60
         cmax          80
         fixup       True
         gui            1
         h1           240
         h2            15
         l1            75
         l2             5
         p1           1.2
         p2           1.5
# Demoplots
demoplot(hexlist, "Bar");

demoplot(colorobj, "Lines");

demoplot(hclpalette, "Pie", n = 4);

demoplot(berlin.colors(), "Matrix", n = 11);

# Using custom subplots and plot titles
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from colorspace import protan, deutan, desaturate
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2)
colors = diverging_hcl("Green-Orange").colors(7)
demoplot(colors, "Bar",
         title = "Original", ax = axes[0, 0]);
demoplot(protan(colors), "Bar",
         title = "Protanope vision", ax = axes[0, 1]);
demoplot(deutan(colors), "Bar",
         title = "Deuteranope vision", ax = axes[1, 0]);
demoplot(desaturate(colors), "Bar",
         title = "Desaturated", ax = axes[1, 1]);


  • TypeError: If type_ is not a str.
  • ValueError: If type_ is not an available demo plot type.
  • TypeError: If n is not int.
  • ValueError: n must be a positive int.