Loading colorspace Package Example Data


The package colorspace comes with a few small data sets used in the Examples and/or the documentation. This function allows for easy access to these data sets. Note that some data sets are require pandas to be installed.

volcano: Maunga Whau Volcano

Topographic information on Auckland’s Maunga Whau Volcano on a 10m x 10m grid. Will return a two-dimensional numpy.ndarray of dimension 61x87 (int64).

Digitized from a topographic map by Ross Ihaka. These data should not be regarded as accurate.

HarzTraffic: Daily Traffic Counts at Sonnenberg

The data set provides daily traffic counts for bikes (motor bikes), cars, trucks, and other vehicles in the vicinity of Sonnenberg located in the Harz region in Germany. The data set covers a period of nearly three years (2021-01-01 to 2023-11-30).

A pandas.DataFrame containing 1057 observations (rows) on 16 variables:

  • date date, the date of the record.
  • yday int64, the day of the year.
  • bikes int64, the number of motorcycles on that day.
  • cars int64, the number of cars on that day.
  • trucks int64, the number of trucks on that day.
  • others int64, the number of other vehicles on that day.
  • tempmin float64, minimum temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • tempmax float64, maximum temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • temp float64, mean temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • humidity int64, mean relative humidity in percent.
  • tempdew float64, average dewpoint temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • cloudiness int64, average cloud cover in percent.
  • rain float64, amount of precipitation in mm (snow and rain).
  • sunshine int64, sunshine duration in minutes.
  • wind float64, mean wind speed in meters per second.
  • windmax float64, maximum wind speed in meters per second.
  • season: object, local season (sprint, summer, autumn, winter).
  • dow: int64, numeric day of week (0 = Mon, 6 = Sun).
  • dayofweek: object, short name of day of week.
  • weekend: bool, True if the day is Saturday or Sunday, else False.

Weather data: Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD), Climate Data Center (CDC), station Wernigerode (5490; Sachsen-Anhalt) w/ location 10.7686/51.8454/233 (lon, lat, alt, EPSG 4326). CC-BY 4.0, available via https://opendata.dwd.de/climate_environment/CDC/.

Traffic data: Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen (BASt), station Sonnenberg. CC-BY 4.0, available via https://www.bast.de, https://www.bast.de/DE/Verkehrstechnik/Fachthemen/v2-verkehrszaehlung/Verkehrszaehlung.html.

MonthlyHarzTraffic: Monthly Summary of Traffic Counts at Sonnenberg

Based on the daily data set HarzTraffic (see above) but aggregated on a monthly basis.

A pandas.DataFrame containing 35 observations (rows) on 10 variables:

  • year: int32, year of record.
  • month: int32, year of record.
  • bikes: int64, the total number of bikes in that month.
  • cars: int64, the total number of cars in that month.
  • trucks: int64, the total number of trucks in that month.
  • others: int64, the total number of other vehicles in that month.
  • rain: float64, monthly precipitation sum in mm (snow and rain).
  • temp: float64, monthly mean temperature in degrees Celsius.
  • sunshine: int64, monthly average of sunshine per day in minutes.
  • wind: float64, monthly mean wind speed in meters per second.
  • season: object, local season (sprint, summer, autumn, winter).

Data source and license: see data set description ‘HarzTraffic’.




Name of the data set to be returned.


The object returned depends on the data set (see above).