Release Notes


The software is published under the Gnu Public License on github. Please feel free to use, share, improve, and redistribute the software as long as the attribution is given correctly.

Please also feel free to help improving the software (via pull requests, or simply get in touch with me, helping hands would be very welcome)!

Version 0.3.0 (January 2022)

  • Removed support for python2

  • Adding functionality for swatchplots for LinearSegmentedColormap (single object)

  • Fixed GUI choose_palette()

  • Added mixcolor() for additive color mixing (RGB, XYZ)

Version 0.1.0 (September 17, 2018)

Early beta release.

A wide range of methods are already implemented and roughly tested. I’ve decided to launch it as an early beta release to get some feedback from those who use python more frequently than I do! Feel free to report bugs, ideas, or even contribute.

I’ll try to update update the documentation as soon as possible and to improve the package itself, if I can find a free time slot.

Version 0.0.1 (beginning of September 2018)

Development version.

First implementation of the colorspace package in python. This is still an early alpha version, I am currently working on better documentation, testing, and getting the necessary classes and objects into the package to provide a useful toolbox for python enthusiasts.