Creates a color object in the polar representation of the CIELAB color space. Can be converted to: CIEXYZ, CIELUV, CIELAB, RGB, sRGB, polarLAB, and hexcols. Not allowed (ambiguous) are transformations to HSV and HLS.
polarLAB(L, A, B, alpha=None)
Lint, float, list, numpy.array
Numeric value(s) for L dimension.
Aint, float, list, numpy.array
Numeric value(s) for A dimension.
Bint, float, list, numpy.array
Numeric value(s) for B dimension.
alphaNone, float, list, numpy.array
Numeric value(s) for the alpha channel ([0., 1.]) where 0. equals full transparency, 1. full opacity. If None (default) no transparency is added.