Check Images for Color Constraints


Simulate color deficiencies on png, jpg, and jpeg files. Takes an existing pixel image and simulates different color vision deficiencies.

The function displays a matplotlib figure if output = None. If output is set, a new figure will be stored with simulated colors. If only one color vision deficiency is defined (e.g., cvd = "desaturate") a figure of the same type and size as the input figure is created. When multiple cvd’s are specified, a multi-panel plot will be created.

Requires the Python modules matplotlib and imageio to be installed.


cvd='desaturate', severity=1.0,
output=None, dropalpha=False)


Name of the figure which should be converted (png/jpg/jpeg). If image = "DEMO" the package demo figure is used.
cvdstr, list
Color vision deficiency or deficiencies. Allowed types are "deutan", "protan", "tritan", "desaturated", and "original" (unmodified).
How severe the color vision deficiency is ([0.,1.]). Also used as the amount of desaturation if cvd includes "desaturate".
outputNone, str
If None an interactive plotting window will be opened. A str (file name/path) can be given to write the result to disc.
Drop alpha channel, defaults to False. Only useful for png figures having an alpha channel.


Returns a matplotlib.figure.Figure object if output = None, else the return of the function is identical to output; the figure which has just been created.


from colorspace import cvd_image
cvd_image("DEMO", "deutan", 0.5);

cvd_image("DEMO", "desaturate", 1.0, "output.png");

cvd_image("DEMO", ["original", "deutan", "protan"],
             0.5, dropalpha = True);


  • ValueError: If cvd is empty.
  • ValueError: If no valid cvd method is provided.
  • FileNotFounderror: If the file specified on image does not exist.
  • ImportError: When Python module 'imageio' cannot be imported (not installed).
  • IOError: If file image cannot be read using imageio.imread.
  • ImportError: If matplotlib.pyplot cannot be imported (matplotlib not installed?).