pyp2qmd Package Documentation

This page has been automatically generated by pyp2qmd (Python package documentation to quarto), converting the docstrings of all loaded functions and methods available via pyp2qmd into quarto markdown files (.qmd).

Basic call

The basic structure can be set up using:

pyp2qmd init --package pyp2qmd --output_dir ../docs --overwrite
(cd _quarto && quarto render)

Additional pages on initialization

pyp2qmd is used to document itself creating the documentation you are currently looking at using a small script which adds a series of pages on initialization. The script can be found in the repository, see:

Function reference

Contains the documentation/reference of all functions, including description, usage, arguments, exceptions, as well as evaluated examples.

Class reference

The documentation/reference of all classes including description, usge, arguments, methods, exceptions, and evaluated examples (if any).

For each method listed on the class reference page, a quarto markdown file is generated as well, altough not listed in the navigation. The documentation can be accessed by visiting the class reference, and then click on the method of interest.

Automatically generated: 2024-07-19 16:39.