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This article contains a series of examples on how to retrieve station observations for different data sets. There is a limit on how many data can be retrieved via the API in one single call which is taken care by the function gs_stationdata(). If the number of expected data exceeds the limit, the function will automatically split thre request in multiple calls. Some information about that is shown when the argument verbose is set to TRUE (FALSE by default).

More information about the data sets can be found on the Geosphere Austria data hub.

Hourly synop observations

Synop, 1 station, 3 parameters

  • Dataset: historical hourly synop observations
  • Ten consecutive days 2020
  • Parameters: three parameters only
  • Stations: single station, 11330 Mayrhofen
mayrhofen <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                            resource_id = "synop-v1-1h",
                            start       = "2022-01-01",
                            end         = "2022-01-11",
                            parameters  = c("T", "Td", "ff"),
                            station_ids = 11330)

# zoo object
##                        T   Td ff
## 2022-01-01 00:00:00 -0.8 -1.4  1
## 2022-01-01 01:00:00 -0.7 -1.1  1
## 2022-01-01 02:00:00 -0.9 -1.5  0
## 2022-01-01 03:00:00 -1.5 -1.8  0
## 2022-01-01 04:00:00 -2.0 -2.3  0
## 2022-01-01 05:00:00 -2.2 -2.5  1
# simple zoo plot
     screen = c(1, 1, 2),
     col    = c(2, 3, 4),
     ylab   = c("air temperature [C]\nwelt bulb temperature [C]",
                "mean wind speed [m/s]"))

As expert = TRUE (default) the function will internally download the meta information calling gs_metadata() to check if both arguments provided station_ids and parameters are valid (i.e., the station and the parameters are valid for this specific data set).

This can be disabled using expert = FALSE which prevents these internal checks and save some time - but may result in API request errors if the station(s) or parameter(s) do not exist.

One can, of course, get the meta information for the station and parameters if needed (see gs_metdatata() for more details):

meta <- gs_metadata(mode = "historical", resource_id = "synop-v1-1h")
subset(meta$stations, id == 11330)
## Simple feature collection with 1 feature and 11 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: 11.85167 ymin: 47.1625 xmax: 11.85167 ymax: 47.1625
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
##         type    id group_id      name state altitude valid_from   valid_to
## 1 INDIVIDUAL 11330       NA MAYRHOFEN Tirol      640 2007-08-28 2100-01-01
##   has_sunshine has_global_radiation is_active                 geometry
## 1           NA                   NA      TRUE POINT (11.85167 47.1625)
subset(meta$parameters, name %in% c("T", "Td", "ff"))
##    name           long_name
## 39    T      Lufttemperatur
## 40   Td  Taupunkttemperatur
## 57   ff Windgeschwindigkeit
##                                                                      desc unit
## 39                                                         Lufttemperatur   °C
## 40                       Taupunkt (bis 2001/06/19 tw. mit rel beschickt!)   °C
## 57 Windgeschwindigkeit in 1/10 m/s (wird umgerechnet, wenn Knoten: *5.14)  m/s

Synop, multiple stations, all parameters

  • Dataset: historical hourly synop observations
  • Ten consecutive days 2020
  • Parameters: all available parameters (uses parameters = NULL; default)
  • Stations: three different stations

The function allows to retrieve data for multiple stations at once and to download all avialable parameters by not specifying parameters (uses parameters = NULL). This will return all avialable data for each of the stations in a named list, where the names of the elements correspond to the station id.

x <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                    resource_id = "synop-v1-1h",
                    start       = "2020-01-01",
                    end         = "2020-01-11",
                    station_ids = c(11330, 11328, 11120),
                    expert      = TRUE)
## [1] "list"
## [1] "11330" "11328" "11120"

expert = TRUE skips the internal check whether or not the station_ids given are valid (i.e., if they even exist for this data set).

Note that station 11328 does not provide any data for the time period specified resulting in a warning and an will return a missing value (NA).

## GeoSphere Austria stationdata
## Station ID:  11328 
## Coordinates:  11.70528 47.53222 
## Parameters: 
##   C1         Wolkenart der tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   C2         Wolkenart der 2.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   C3         Wolkenart der 3.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   C4         Wolkenart der 4.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   CH         Art der hohen Wolken (Code (Synop))
##   CL         Art der tiefen Wolken (Code (Synop))
##   CM         Art der mittelhohen Wolken (Code (Synop))
##   Ch1        1.Wolkenart unterhalb der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Ch2        2.Wolkenart unterhalb der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Ch3        3.Wolkenart unterhalb der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Ct1        1.Aussehen der Wolkenobergrenze der Wolken unterhalb der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Ct2        2.Aussehen der Wolkenobergrenze der Wolken unterhalb der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Ct3        3.Aussehen der Wolkenobergrenze der Wolken unterhalb der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Da         Richtungsangabe der Wirbelerscheinung (Code (Synop))
##   E          Erdbodenzustand ohne Schnee/Eis (Code (Synop))
##   Eschnee    Erdbodenzustand mit Schneedecke/Eis (Code (Synop))
##   Ir         Niederschlagsindikator (Code (Synop))
##   Iw         Einheit der Windgeschwindigkeit (Code (Synop))
##   Ix         Indikator für Wettergruppen und Stationstyp (Code (Synop))
##   Mw         Art der Wirbelerscheinung (Code (Synop))
##   N          Gesamtbedeckung des Himmels mit Wolken (Code (Synop))
##   Nh         Bedeckungsgrad mit tiefen oder mittelhohen Wolken (Code (Synop))
##   Nh1        1.Bedeckungsgrad mit Wolken unter der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Nh2        2.Bedeckungsgrad mit Wolken unter der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Nh3        3.Bedeckungsgrad mit Wolken unter der Station (Code (Synop))
##   Ns1        Bedeckungsgrad der tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   Ns2        Bedeckungsgrad der 2.tiefesten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   Ns3        Bedeckungsgrad der 3.tiefesten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   Ns4        Bedeckungsgrad der 4.tiefesten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   Pg         Luftdruck (hPa)
##   Pp         Reduzierter Luftdruck (hPa)
##   RR24       Niederschlagsmenge in den 24 Stunden vor der Beobachtung (mm)
##   RR3        Niederschlagsmenge Sektion3 (mm)
##   RR932      Hagelkorndurchmesser (Code (Synop))
##   RR934      Glatteisdicke (Code (Synop))
##   RRR        Niederschlagsmenge im Beobachtungszeitraum tr (mm)
##   RRRv       Niederschlagsmenge des Vortages (mm)
##   So         Reif oder färbiger Niederschlag (Code (Synop))
##   T          Lufttemperatur (°C)
##   Td         Taupunkttemperatur (°C)
##   Tg         Minimum der Lufttemperatur 5cm über Boden (°C)
##   Tmax       Maximum der Lufttemperatur (°C)
##   Tmaxv      Maximum der Lufttemperatur des Vortags (°C)
##   Tmin       Minimum der Lufttemperatur (°C)
##   Tw         Wassertemperatur (°C)
##   VV         Sichtweite (Code (Synop))
##   W1         1.Wetterverlauf (Code (Synop))
##   W2         2.Wetterverlauf (Code (Synop))
##   a          Luftdrucktendenz (3 Stunden) (Code (Synop))
##   app24      Luftdrucktendenz (24 Stunden) (Code (Synop))
##   boe        Höchste Bö (10 Minuten) (m/s)
##   czeit      Beobachtungszeit ()
##   datumsec   Beobachtungszeit (s)
##   dd         Windrichtung (°)
##   einspielzeit Einspielzeit in die Datenbank (s)
##   ff         Windgeschwindigkeit (m/s)
##   flag_rst   Flag Reststring (Code)
##   gruen      Korrekturflag (Code)
##   h          Höhe der tiefsten Wolken (Code (Synop))
##   hh1        1.Obergrenze der Wolken unter der Station (m)
##   hh2        2.Obergrenze der Wolken unter der Station (m)
##   hh3        3.Obergrenze der Wolken unter der Station (m)
##   hs1        Wolkenhöhe der tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   hs2        Wolkenhöhe der 2.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   hs3        Wolkenhöhe der 3.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   hs4        Wolkenhöhe der 4.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code (Synop))
##   io         Intenstität von Reif oder färbigem Niederschlag (Code (Synop))
##   nschnee    Neuschneehöhe (Code (Synop))
##   p          Betrag der Luftdruckänderung (hPa)
##   qflag      Qualitätsflag ()
##   rel        Relative Feuchte (%)
##   rot        Korrekturflag (Code)
##   schnee     Gesamtschneehöhe (Code (Synop))
##   schwarz    Korrekturflag (Code)
##   sonne      Sonnenscheindauer der letzten Stunde (h)
##   sonnetag   Sonnenscheindauer des Vortags (h)
##   sp1        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 1. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp10       Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 10. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp11       Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 11. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp12       Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 12. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp13       Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 13. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp14       Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 14. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp15       Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 15. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp2        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 2. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp3        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 3. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp4        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 4. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp5        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 5. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp6        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 6. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp7        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 7. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp8        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 8. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   sp9        Besondere Wettererscheinungen, 9. 9er Gruppe (Code (Synop))
##   tr         Beobachtungszeitraum für Niederschlagsmenge (Code (Synop))
##   tr3        Beobachtungszeitraum für Niederschlagsmenge RR3, Sektion 3 (Code (Synop))
##   w1boe      Höchste Bö (W1W2) (m/s)
##   w1ffmax    Höchste mittlere Windgeschwindigkeit (W1W2) (m/s)
##   ww         Wetter zur Beobachtungszeit (Code (Synop))
##   ww960      Erweiterter Wetterzustand: gleichzeitig mit ww (Code (Synop))
##   ww961      Erweiterter Wetterzustand: gleichzeitig mit w1w1 (Code (Synop))
##   ww962      Erweiterter Wetterzustand: in der letzten Stunde, bei ww=20-29 (Code (Synop))
##   ww963      Erweiterter Wetterzustand: in der letzten Stunde, bei w1w1=20-29 (Code (Synop))
##   ww964      Erweiterter Wetterzustand: im Bezugszeitraum von W1W2 bei ww (Code (Synop))
##   ww965      Erweiterter Wetterzustand: im Bezugszeitraum von W1W2 bei w1w1 (Code (Synop)) 
## Data:
## numeric(0)
## Index:
## Date of length 0[["11328"]])
## logical(0)

The other two elements of the list again contain objects of class c(“gs_stationdata”, “zoo”):

lapply(x[c("11330", "11120")], class)
## $`11330`
## [1] "gs_stationdata" "zoo"           
## $`11120`
## [1] "gs_stationdata" "zoo"
lapply(x[c("11330", "11120")], head, n = 2)
## $`11330`
##                     Ir Iw Ix    Pg     Pp RR3 RRR    T   Td Tg Tmax Tmin W1 W2
## 2020-01-01 00:00:00  3  1  6 958.0 1037.5  NA  -1 -1.1 -1.8 NA   NA   NA NA NA
## 2020-01-01 01:00:00  3  1  6 958.1 1037.7  NA  -1 -1.3 -2.0 NA   NA   NA NA NA
##                     a   datumsec dd einspielzeit ff flag_rst gruen   p qflag
## 2020-01-01 00:00:00 8 1577836800 NA   1577836916  1        0     0 0.7     0
## 2020-01-01 01:00:00 5 1577840400  0   1577840534  0        0     0 1.1     0
##                     rot schwarz sonne tr tr3 ww
## 2020-01-01 00:00:00   0       0    NA  1  NA NA
## 2020-01-01 01:00:00   0       0    NA NA  NA NA
## $`11120`
##                     C1 C2 Ir Iw Ix N Ns1 Ns2 Ns3    Pg     Pp RR3 RRR    T   Td
## 2020-01-01 00:00:00 NA NA  3  1  4 3   3  NA  NA 964.0 1038.4  NA  -1 -3.4 -4.0
## 2020-01-01 01:00:00 NA NA  3  1  4 6   1   6  NA 963.8 1038.1  NA  -1 -3.0 -3.4
##                     Tg Tmax Tmin VV a boe   datumsec dd einspielzeit ff
## 2020-01-01 00:00:00 NA   NA   NA  5 4  NA 1577836800 NA   1577836219  1
## 2020-01-01 01:00:00 NA   NA   NA  5 5  NA 1577840400 NA   1577839821  1
##                     flag_rst gruen h hs1 hs2 hs3   p qflag rot schwarz sonnetag
## 2020-01-01 00:00:00        0     0 2   5  NA  NA 0.0     0   0       0      5.1
## 2020-01-01 01:00:00        0     0 1   1   4  NA 0.6     0   0       0       NA
##                     sp1 sp2 sp3 tr tr3 w1boe w1ffmax ww
## 2020-01-01 00:00:00  NA  NA  NA NA  NA    NA      NA 49
## 2020-01-01 01:00:00  NA  NA  NA NA  NA    NA      NA 49

The API, however, provides different data for the other two stations as these two stations do not provide the data for the very same parameters. Parameters not providing any data will not be included in the return.

lapply(x[c("11330", "11120")], dim)
## $`11330`
## [1] 241  29
## $`11120`
## [1] 241  44
# Default plots
plot(x[["11330"]], nc = 3, col = "steelblue", type = "o", pch = 4)

plot(x[["11120"]], nc = 3, col = "steelblue", type = "o", pch = 4)

TAWES data

TAWES stands for “teilautomatische Wetterstation” and provides data on a 10 minute temporal resolution. Requesting data for TAWES stations works the very same way as for synop stations as shown above, however, the set of avialble stations and parameters is different (names of the parameters differ).

To get information about all available stations and parameters call:

meta <- gs_metadata("historical", "tawes-v1-10min")

… and check the vignette Metadata for more information on the return.


Daily climate records, 1 station, 3 parameters

  • Dataset: historical climate recoreds; daily temporal resolution
  • Summer 2020 till the end of 2022 (2.5 years)
  • Parameters: three distinct parameters (precipitation and snow height)
  • Stations: single station, 8807 Achenkirch
meta <- gs_metadata("historical", "klima-v1-1d")
achenkirch <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                             resource_id = "klima-v1-1d",
                             start       = "2020-06-01",
                             end         = "2022-12-31",
                             parameters  = c("nied", "nied07", "schnee"),
                             station_ids = 8807,
                             expert      = TRUE)
##            nied nied07 schnee
## 2020-06-01 -1.0     NA     -1
## 2020-06-02 -1.0   -1.0     -1
## 2020-06-03  4.2   -1.0     -1
## 2020-06-04  8.2    4.2     -1
## 2020-06-05  0.1    8.2     -1
## 2020-06-06  6.7    0.1     -1
plot(achenkirch, type = "h")

10min climate records, 1 station, 3 parameters

  • Dataset: historical climate recoreds; daily temporal resolution
  • Summer 2020 till the end of 2022 (2.5 years)
  • Parameters: three distinct parameters (precipitation and snow height)
  • Stations: single station, 8807 Achenkirch
meta <- gs_metadata("historical", "klima-v1-10min")
uibk <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                       resource_id = "klima-v1-10min",
                       start       = "2010-11-01",
                       end         = "2011-02-01",
                       parameters  = c("TL", "FFAM", "FFX"),
                       station_ids = 11803,
                       verbose = TRUE,
                       expert      = TRUE)
## Estimated number of elements to be retrieved: 52996 (1 x 4 x 13249)
## Number of requests to be performed: 1 (limit set to 2e+05)
## Calling:,FFAM,FFX&start=2010-11-01T00:00&end=2011-02-01T00:00&station_ids=11803
## Cooldown, waiting for 0.735 seconds
## Calling:,FFAM,FFX&start=2010-11-01T00:00&end=2011-02-01T00:00&station_ids=11803
     screens = c(1, 2, 2),
     col = c(2, 4, 8),
     ylab = c("temperature", "mean wind\nand gusts"))

TAWES, 1 station, 4

  • Dataset: historical TAWES observations, 10min temporal resolution
  • Past 30 consecutive days (based on system date)
  • Parameters: four predefined parameters
  • Stations: single station, 11121 Innsbruck Airport

WARNING: resource_id = "tawes-v1-10min" is not qualiy controlled and seems to provide a limited amount of data (not going too far back in time). Consider using resource_id = "klima-v1-10min" instead (see above) which provides long-term historical quality-controlled data. Station IDs (and available parameters) differ, tough.

ibkap <-  gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                         resource_id = "tawes-v1-10min",
                         start       = Sys.Date() - 30,    # Today - 30 days (system time)
                         end         = Sys.Date(),         # Today (system time)
                         parameters  = c("TL", "TP", "FFAM", "FFX"),
                         station_ids = 11121,
                         expert      = TRUE)
     screens = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
     col = c(2, 3, 4, 8),
     ylab = c("temperature\nand dewpoint", "mean wind\nand gusts"))


Histalp annual data, 1 station, 2 parameters

  • Dataset: historical histalp records; annual observations
  • 1845 to 2022
  • Parameters: precipitation and temperature (annual)
  • Stations: single station, 23 Bregenz

NOTE: Not executed; requires login; currently throws an error.

meta <- gs_metadata("historical", "histalp-v1-1y")
bregenz <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                          resource_id = "histalp-v1-1y",
                          start       = "1854-01-01",
                          end         = "2022-01-01",
                          parameters  = c("R01", "T01"),
                          station_ids = 23,
                          expert      = TRUE)

##plot(bregenz, col = c(4, 2))