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Accessing the API endpoint v<version>/station, see


  parameters = NULL,
  start = NULL,
  end = NULL,
  expert = FALSE,
  version = 1L,
  drop = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  format = NULL,
  limit = 2e+05,
  config = list()



character, specify mode of data.


character, specify resource identifier of data.


character vector to define which parameters to process.

start, end

object of class Date, POSIXt, or character. In case of character in a non-ISO format format can be used (see below). Not needed (ignored) when mode = "current".


integer vector with the station IDs to be processed.


logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE the script will not check if the input arguments are valid. May result in unsuccessful requests but increases the speed as gs_datasets() and gs_metadata() do not have to be called (two API requests less).


integer, API version (defaults to 1L).


logical, if TRUE parameters and times with no data are removed before returning the data.


logical, if set TRUE some more output will be produced.


NULL (default) or character string, used if start/end are characters in a specific (non ISO) format.


integer, API data request limit. If the request sent by the user exceeds this limit, the request will be split into batches automatically. Set to 2e5 as the limit stated on the API documentation (1e6) will not be accepted.


empty list by default; can be a named list to be fowrarded to the httr::GET request if needed.


If only data for one single station (length(station_ids) == 1) is requested, a zoo object will be returned if data is available. If no data is available, NULL will be returned.

When multiple stations are requested a list of zoo object (or NULL if no data is available) is returned. The name of the list corresponds to the station id requested.


This function is a convenience function for downloading different sets of station data from the GeoSphere Austria data hub (formerly ZAMG). The API may change and additional resources may be added, for details see

To see what's available call gs_datasets("station").

The API has a limit for the number of elements for one request. The calculation is based on the number of expecte elements (i.e., number of stations times number of parameters times number of time steps). This function will pre-calculate the number of expected elements and split the request into batches along the time dimension - if needed.


Reto Stauffer


## Latest observations for two tawes stations in Innsbruck.
## Parameters TL (air temperature 2m above ground), TS (air temperature 5cm
## above ground) and RR (amount of rain past 10 minutes).
innsbruck <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "current",
                            resource_id = "tawes-v1-10min",
                            parameters  = c("TL", "TS", "RR"),
                            station_ids = c(11121, 11320),
                            expert      = TRUE)
# Air temp
sapply(innsbruck, function(x) x$TL)
#> 11121 11320 
#>   3.1   2.7 
# Precipitation (rain)
sapply(innsbruck, function(x) x$RR)
#> 11121 11320 
#>     0     0 

## Example for synop data

## Loading meta information
meta <- gs_metadata(mode = "historical", resource_id = "synop-v1-1h")
## For station information check
#> Simple feature collection with 6 features and 11 fields
#> Geometry type: POINT
#> Dimension:     XY
#> Bounding box:  xmin: 9.848611 ymin: 47.1625 xmax: 15.36694 ymax: 48.69083
#> Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
#>         type    id group_id             name            state altitude
#> 1 INDIVIDUAL 11330       NA        MAYRHOFEN            Tirol      640
#> 2 INDIVIDUAL 11328       NA       ACHENKIRCH            Tirol      904
#> 3 INDIVIDUAL 11375       NA           AFLENZ       Steiermark      783
#> 4 INDIVIDUAL 11157       NA AIGEN IM ENNSTAL       Steiermark      641
#> 5 INDIVIDUAL 11301       NA    ALBERSCHWENDE       Vorarlberg      715
#> 6 INDIVIDUAL 11019       NA      ALLENTSTEIG Niederösterreich      599
#>   valid_from   valid_to has_sunshine has_global_radiation is_active
#> 1 2007-08-28 2100-01-01           NA                   NA      TRUE
#> 2 1998-09-24 2016-10-04           NA                   NA     FALSE
#> 3 1992-10-08 2100-01-01           NA                   NA      TRUE
#> 4 1972-01-01 2100-01-01           NA                   NA      TRUE
#> 5 1996-01-16 2100-01-01           NA                   NA      TRUE
#> 6 1988-05-30 2100-01-01           NA                   NA      TRUE
#>                    geometry
#> 1  POINT (11.85167 47.1625)
#> 2 POINT (11.70528 47.53222)
#> 3 POINT (15.24083 47.54583)
#> 4 POINT (14.13833 47.53278)
#> 5  POINT (9.848611 47.4575)
#> 6 POINT (15.36694 48.69083)
## For available parameters (for this mode/resource_id) check
#>   name                              long_name
#> 1   C1   Wolkenart der tiefsten Wolkenschicht
#> 2   C2 Wolkenart der 2.tiefsten Wolkenschicht
#> 3   C3 Wolkenart der 3.tiefsten Wolkenschicht
#> 4   C4 Wolkenart der 4.tiefsten Wolkenschicht
#> 5   CH                   Art der hohen Wolken
#> 6   CL                  Art der tiefen Wolken
#>                                                                    desc
#> 1   Wolkenart bzw. Gattung der tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code Table 0500)
#> 2 Wolkenart bzw. Gattung der 2.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code Table 0500)
#> 3 Wolkenart bzw. Gattung der 3.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code Table 0500)
#> 4 Wolkenart bzw. Gattung der 4.tiefsten Wolkenschicht (Code Table 0500)
#> 5                   Gattung bzw. Art der hohen Wolken (Code Table 0509)
#> 6                  Gattung bzw. Art der tiefen Wolken (Code Table 0513)
#>           unit
#> 1 Code (Synop)
#> 2 Code (Synop)
#> 3 Code (Synop)
#> 4 Code (Synop)
#> 5 Code (Synop)
#> 6 Code (Synop)

## Getting data over 48 hours for one single station
## Note: If expert = FALSE (default) gs_stationdata()
## will internally call gs_metadata() once more to check
## if the requested station_ids as well as the parameters
## exist for the data set specified (mode/resource_id).
mayrhofen <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                            resource_id = "synop-v1-1h",
                            start       = "2020-01-01",
                            end         = "2020-01-03",
                            parameters  = c("T", "Td", "ff"),
                            station_ids = 11330, verbose = TRUE)
#> Estimated number of elements to be retrieved: 196 (1 x 4 x 49)
#> Number of requests to be performed: 1 (limit set to 2e+05)
#> Calling:,Td,ff&start=2020-01-01T00:00&end=2020-01-03T00:00&station_ids=11330
#> Calling:,Td,ff&start=2020-01-01T00:00&end=2020-01-03T00:00&station_ids=11330

plot(mayrhofen, screen = c(1, 1, 2), col = c(2, 3, 4))

## Getting data over 48 hours for three stations simultanously
## Mayrhofen Tirol, Achenkirch Tirol (no data), and Innsbruck Airport Tirol
x <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                    resource_id = "synop-v1-1h",
                    start       = "2020-01-01",
                    end         = "2020-01-03",
                    parameters  = c("T", "Td", "ff"),
                    station_ids = c(11330, 11328, 11120),
                    expert      = TRUE)
plot(x[["11330"]], screen = c(1, 1, 2), col = c(2, 3, 4))

#> [1] FALSE
plot(x[["11120"]], screen = c(1, 1, 2), col = c(2, 3, 4))

## Example for daily climatological records
meta <- gs_metadata("historical", "klima-v1-1d")
achenkirch <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                             resource_id = "klima-v1-1d",
                             start       = "2020-06-01",
                             end         = "2022-12-31",
                             parameters  = c("nied", "nied07", "nied19", "sonne"),
                             station_ids = 8807,
                             expert      = TRUE)
#>            nied nied07 nied19
#> 2020-06-01 -1.0     NA     -1
#> 2020-06-02 -1.0   -1.0     -1
#> 2020-06-03  4.2   -1.0     -1
#> 2020-06-04  8.2    4.2     -1
#> 2020-06-05  0.1    8.2     -1
#> 2020-06-06  6.7    0.1     -1
plot(achenkirch, type = "h")

## Example for 10min KLIMA data
# meta$parameter contains available parameters,
# meta$stations  available stations
meta <- gs_metadata("historical", "klima-v1-10min")
uibk <-  gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                        resource_id = "klima-v1-10min",
                        start       = "2010-11-01",
                        end         = "2011-02-01",
                        parameters  = c("TL", "FFAM", "FFX"),
                        station_ids = 11803,
                        expert      = TRUE)
     screens = c(1, 2, 2),
     col = c(2, 4, 8),
     ylab = c("temperature", "mean wind\nand gusts"))

## Example for 10min TAWES data
##   ! "tawes" is not quality controlled and provides limited
##   ! amount of data. Consider to use the "klima-v1-10min" data set which
##   ! provides long-term historical data for the same stations with the
##   ! same temporal resolution, however, the station IDs and
##   ! parameter names (as well as avilavle parameters) will differ
##   ! (check meta data).
# meta$parameter contains available parameters,
# meta$stations  available stations
meta <- gs_metadata("historical", "tawes-v1-10min")
uibk <- gs_stationdata(mode         = "historical",
                       resource_id  = "tawes-v1-10min",
                       start        = Sys.Date() - 30,
                       end          = Sys.Date(),
                       parameters   = c("TL", "TP", "FFAM", "FFX"),
                       station_ids  = 11320,
                       expert       = TRUE)
     screens = c(1, 1, 2, 2),
     col = c(2, 3, 4, 8),
     ylab = c("temperature\nand dewpoint", "mean wind\nand gusts"))

## Example for annual histalp data
## Requires login; will result in an error for now (todo)
if (FALSE) {
    gs_metadata("historical", "histalp-v1-1y")
    bregenz <- gs_stationdata(mode        = "historical",
                              resource_id = "histalp-v1-1y",
                              start       = "1854-01-01",
                              end         = "2022-01-01",
                              parameters  = c("R01", "T01"),
                              station_ids = 23,
                              expert      = TRUE)
    plot(bregenz, col = c(4, 2))