Iterative weighted least squares solver for a logistic regression
model. Used by
to estimate the
concomitant model of the two-component foehnix mixture models.
beta = NULL,
lambda = NULL,
standardize = TRUE,
maxit = 100L,
tol = 1e-08,
verbose = FALSE,
# S3 method for ccmodel
coef(object, which = "coef", ...)
# S3 method for ccmodel
logLik(object, ...)
# S3 method for ccmodel
AIC(object, ...)
# S3 method for ccmodel
BIC(object, ...)
# S3 method for ccmodel
edf(object, ...)
# S3 method for ccmodel
summary(object, ...)
model matrix including intercept (if required).
response, can be binary or probabilities (values in ]0,1[
initial regression coefficients. If not set (beta = NULL
, default),
all coefficients will be initialized with 0
if set to NULL
(default) no penalty is used during optimization.
A float
can be provided for regularization (ridge/L2 penalty).
logical. If set to TRUE
(default) the model matrix
containing the concomitant variables will be standardized.
integer, maximum number of iterations, default 100
float, tolerance for the improvement to check for convergence.
logical, if set to FALSE
output is suppressed.
currently unused.
object of type ccmodel
(S3 methods).
character, defines whether the coefficients should be returned on
the original scale (which = "coef"
) or the standardized scale
(which = "beta"
; identical if standardize
Returns an object of class ccmodel
(concomitant model).
The object contains the following information:
value used (or NULL
effective degrees of freedom. Equal to P
) if no regularization is used.
final log-likelihood sum of the model.
Akaike information criteria.
Bayesian information criteria.
logical flag whether or not the algorithm
converged (see maxit
, tol
matrix of dimension P x 1
containing the
estimated and possibly standardized regression coefficients
(see input standardize
). If input standardize = FALSE
beta == coef
matrix of dimension P x 1
containing the
destandardized regression coefficients.
Iterative (re-)weighted least squares solver for logistic regression model.
The basic call (iwls_solver(X, y)
) solves the unregularized problem.
Input matrix X
is the design matrix containing the concomitant
variables for the logistic regression model. Matrix is of dimension
N x P
where N
is the number of of observations, P
number of concomitant variables (including the intercept, if required). If
more than one column contains constant values the script will throw an
error (solution no more identifiable). y
is the binary response
vector of length N
containing 0
s and 1
can be used to specify the initial regression parameters. If
not set (beta = NULL
; default) all parameters will be initialized
with 0
If lambda
is set (float
) a ridge penalty will be added to
shrink the regression parameters.
The logical option standardize
controls whether or not the model
matrix (covariates) should be standardized using Gaussian standardization
((x - mean(x)) / sd(x)
) for all columns with non-constant data. It
is recommended to use standardization (standardize = TRUE
) to avoid
numerical problems.
and tol
allow to control the iterations of the IWLS
solver. maxit
is the maximum number of iterations allowed.
is used to check the log-likelihood improvements. If the
improvements compared with the previous iteration falls below this tolerance
the optimizer converged. If maxit
is reached the solver will stop,
even if not converged.
# Example data set
airquality <- na.omit(airquality)
airquality$Ozone <- as.numeric(airquality$Ozone > 50)
# glm model
m1 <- glm(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality, family = binomial(link = "logit"))
# Setting up model.frame, response, and model matrix
mf <- model.frame(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality)
X <- model.matrix(Ozone ~ ., data = airquality)
y <- model.response(mf)
# Default call
m2 <- iwls_logit(X, y)
# With standardized coefficients
m3 <- iwls_logit(X, y, standardize = TRUE)
# No early stop, stop when maxit = 100 is reached. Will through
m4 <- iwls_logit(X, y, standardize = TRUE, tol = -Inf, maxit = 100)
#> Warning: IWLS solver for logistic model did not converge.
# Comparing coefficients
print(cbind(coef(m1), m2$coef, m3$coef, m4$coef))
#> concomitant concomitant concomitant
#> (Intercept) -40.385881646 -40.385278262 -40.385278262 -40.385881646
#> Solar.R -0.002619993 -0.002619963 -0.002619963 -0.002619993
#> Wind -0.548395741 -0.548387911 -0.548387911 -0.548395741
#> Temp 0.558254605 0.558246332 0.558246332 0.558254605
#> Month -0.404780348 -0.404774967 -0.404774967 -0.404780348
#> Day 0.114412677 0.114411311 0.114411311 0.114412677