The foehnix
package comes with methods to create windrose plot for foehn classification models (see getting started, foehnix reference
) and observation data. Two types of windrose plots are available:
The windrose
function allows to plot empirical circular densities and histograms (the classical ‘windrose’) of observed values. The data set can either be a
time series object,data.frame
,All needed is wind speed (\(\in [0, \infty]\)) and wind direction. The wind direction needs to be provided in meteorological degrees (\(\in [0, 360]\)) where \(0\) and \(360\) corresponds to wind coming from North, \(90\) for wind from East, \(180\) for wind from South, and \(270\) from West.
If used with a multivariate zoo
object or a data.frame
the windrose
function expects to find two variables called ff
(wind speed) and dd
(wind direction). However, custom names can be specified if needed (see customization section). The plot below shows examples using zoo
, data.frame
, or numeric
vectors. While the upper two show type = "density"
, the lower two show the circular histograms (type = "histogram"
## dd ff rh t
## 2006-01-01 01:00:00 171 0.6 90 -0.4
## 2006-01-01 02:00:00 268 0.3 100 -1.8
## 2006-01-01 03:00:00 115 5.2 79 0.9
## 2006-01-01 04:00:00 152 2.1 88 -0.6
## 2006-01-01 05:00:00 319 0.7 100 -2.6
## 2006-01-01 06:00:00 36 0.1 99 -1.7
## [1] "zoo"
# Default plot using a zoo object
par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(1, 1, 3, 1))
# Default plot using a data.frame
# Defualt plot using univariate zoo objects/numeric vectors
windrose(data$dd, data$ff, type = "histogram")
windrose(as.numeric(data$dd), as.numeric(data$ff), type = "histogram")
The windrose
function can also directly be applied to foehnix
objects. By default, six windroses will be plotted:
Unconditional is the same as if one would call the windrose
function on the data set (data
), the latter two show the windrose conditional on the foehn probability estimated by the foehnix
classification model.
# Loading the demo data set for Tyrol (Ellboegen and Innsbruck)
data <- demodata("tyrol")
# Estimate a foehnix classification model
filter <- list(dd = c(43, 223), crest_dd = c(90, 270))
mod <- foehnix(diff_t ~ ff + rh, data = data, filter = filter,
switch = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
# Plotting windroses
Again, the windrose
function expects that the two variables ‘wind speed’ and ‘wind direction’ are called ff
and dd
but can be adjusted if custom names are used. An example:
# Loading the demo data set for station Ellboegen and Sattelberg (combined)
data <- demodata("tyrol") # default
names(data) <- gsub("dd$", "winddir", names(data))
names(data) <- gsub("ff$", "windspd", names(data))
## [1] "winddir" "windspd" "rh" "t"
## [5] "crest_winddir" "crest_windspd" "crest_rh" "crest_t"
## [9] "diff_t"
# Estimate a foehnix classification model using the new
# custom names (see 'foehnix' function documentation for details)
filter <- list(winddir = c(43, 223), crest_winddir = c(90, 270))
mod2 <- foehnix(diff_t ~ windspd + rh, data = data, filter = filter,
switch = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
# Plotting windroses using custom names
windrose(mod2, ddvar = "winddir", ffvar = "windspd")
The additional input arguments type
and which
allow to specify what should be plotted:
# density plots only
windrose(mod, type = "density", ncol = 3)
# circular histogram plots only
windrose(mod, type = "histogram", ncol = 3)
# Only histograms for "foehn" and "no foehN"
windrose(mod, type = "histogram", which = c("nofoehn", "foehn"))