The default image plot of a foehnix object is a Hovmoeller diagram.

# S3 method for foehnix
  FUN = "freq",
  deltat = NULL,
  deltad = 7L,
  col = rev(gray.colors(20)),
  contours = FALSE,
  contour.col = "black",



object of class foehnix.


character string or a custom aggregation function. See 'Details' section for more information.


integer, interval in seconds for the time of day axis. Has to be a fraction of 86400 (24 hours in seconds). It NULL (default) the interval of the time series object will be used.


integer, similar to deltat, the interval in days for the grid on the x-axis. Default is 7L (aggregate to weekly values).


vector of colors forwarded to image.default. By default a gray scale color map is used.


logical TRUE or FALSE, whether or not the concours should be added.


color for the contour lines, only used if contours = TRUE.


additional arguments (see 'Details' section).


Plotting a Hovmoeller diagram based on the zoo time series object of the foehnix classification. Different plot types are available. The default functions (see list below) use na.rm = TRUE.

Input FUN can be one of the following character strings:

  • freq: plotting frequencies (default).

  • mean: mean probability.

  • occ: plotting occurrence of foehn (where probability >= 0.5).

  • noocc: contrary to occ: occurrence of no foehn (probability < 0.5).

FUN can also be a custom function used for time series aggregation (see aggregate.zoo).

Additional arguments which can be set:

  • xlim: limits of abscissa. Numeric vector of length 2 with Julian days (0 - 365). If the values are decreasing (e.g., xlim = c(300, 100)) the abscissa will be adjusted to show continuous data around new years eve.

  • ylim: limits of ordinate. Numeric vector of length 2 with seconds (seconds of the day; 0 = 00:00:00 UTC, 86400 = 24:00:00 UTC).

  • xlab, ylab, main: axis labels and title of the plot.